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What is Voyager's exposure to 3AC?

Voyager’s exposure to 3AC is in excess of$650 million based on current prices. Specifically, it consists of 15,250 bitcoin, approximately $307 million based on crypto’s current price, and $350 million worth of stablecoin USDC USDC 0.0% per the company’s statement.

Will Voyager default on 3AC loan?

Today it requested a loan repayment from troubled proprietary trading Three Arrows Capital (3AC), announcing that it “may issue a notice of default.” Voyager’s exposure to 3AC is in excess of $650 million based on current prices.

Will Voyager digital (voyg) issue a 'notice of default'?

Voyager Digital (VOYG) shares fell more than 60% after the crypto broker disclosed its exposure to hedge fund Three Arrows Capital (3AC) and said it may issue a "notice of default" to the crypto fund if it fails to make a loan repayment.

What happened to Voyager?

Voyager stated that it had $1.3 billion in crypto assets. It had more than $350 million in cash held for benefit of account for customers at Metropolitan Commercial Bank. The bankruptcy filing will protect its three divisions: Voyager Digital Holdings, Voyager Digital LLC, and Voyager Digital, Ltd.

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